Progress Summary

We are currently in the final stages of testing the network simulators. We are on track to have a final selection by the second milestone.

Meeting Summary

We met twice this week on 10/10 and 10/13. We discussed our current progress in testing the four simulators.

Member Activities

Team Member Major Tasks and Contributions Workload (hours)
Justin McCannon Created a general Cisco command guide and simple lab guide to use with both Cisco Modeling Labs and Cisco Packet tracer. This will likely be the foundation of the final lab manual. Currently 11 pages in length. Set up and built a small network in Cisco Modeling labs with a main branch and 2 smaller branches. In total, 8 routers/switches and 8 PC endpoints. Assisted the team testing Packet Tracer with any issues. 9
Azm Uddin We had a team meeting twice this week. I am still working on Eve-NG and GNS3 to do the requirements ranking. 5
Michael McInnis We met twice this week to discuss our testing parameters. I worked this week to strengthen my Cisco packet tracer knowledge. I am working with another team member to create a guide why we chose to use a certain platform. 5
Tiffany Nguyen Continued further research and testing on GNS3 and began to finalize and comment on the requirement rankings, Met with team on Monday and Thursday 5
Nidhi Marsonia Meet twice with the team this week to get guidance and set up meeting for upcoming milestone presentation. Pursing testing and researching on packet tracer. Collaborating to get the requirements analyzed for final decision. 6
Team Total 30